homematic-CCU ftp-server

diverse Zusatzsoftware

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Beiträge: 41
Registriert: 27.01.2008, 13:51
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Re: homematic-CCU ftp-server

Beitrag von a.krypthul » 11.02.2008, 19:17

kaju : ...would it be okay to make copy on my blog-site?
@ kaju : No problem, do whatever you like :wink:
belder : Regarding this password problem,
after deinstallation and reinstalling the new ftpd,
it was not necessary to go again through the password installation process.
@ belder: That´s right - it´s kept in the flash configuration - if you want to reset it - copy the passwd-file from /etc to /etc/config and it will be the initial state.


And here comes the description how to add an external USB-disk:


Attached is the software to add a usb-disk (or stick) to your HomeMatic - I tested it with a check 1GB-noName Stick, a 8GB IOMega MicroDrive and a FreeCom USB-Disk - but there is of course no guarantee for all possible USB-Devices.
Therefore we will first check (in this description), whether your device is recognized. If yes you can install the necessary software permanently.
The testing will be done working on the RAM-device - everything will be gone at reboot - so I see no possibility of blocking your homematic by wrong functionality.
But nevertheless this is experimental - so use at your own risk !!!

Let´s start: (you can copy and paste the commands - so you needn´t to enter everything by hand.)

The new device needs to be UNPLUGGED !

Change to our working-directory in the ram-disk:

Code: Alles auswählen

cd /var/tmp
Get the file with the disk-utilities (you can also do it manually if the HomeMatic is not connect to the internet:

Code: Alles auswählen

wget -O diskutils.tar.gz http://homematic-forum.de/forum/download/file.php?id=69
Unpack the disk-utilities (you could store them later on your disk):

Code: Alles auswählen

tar -xzf diskutils.tar.gz
Enter the search path for the Libraries

Code: Alles auswählen

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp

OK - now we are prepared to check wether your usb-device is recognized:

for debugging purposes start the kernel-log daemon which will protocol some interesting infos to the log file:

Code: Alles auswählen

open a second telnet session and enter

Code: Alles auswählen

tail -f /var/log/messages
NOW plug-in your usb-device

you should see something similar (lot od SCSI-infos) like that in the second telnet-session:

Feb 11 17:40:49 (none) user.info kernel: usb 1-2: new full speed USB device using at91_ohci and address 4
Feb 11 17:40:50 (none) user.info kernel: usb 1-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
Feb 11 17:40:50 (none) user.info kernel: scsi2 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
Feb 11 17:40:50 (none) user.debug kernel: usb-storage: device found at 4
Feb 11 17:40:50 (none) user.debug kernel: usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning
Feb 11 17:40:55 (none) user.notice kernel: scsi 2:0:0:0: Direct-Access ST68022C F 0000 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0
Feb 11 17:40:55 (none) user.notice kernel: SCSI device sda: 15625008 512-byte hdwr sectors (8000 MB)
Feb 11 17:40:55 (none) user.notice kernel: sda: Write Protect is off
Feb 11 17:40:55 (none) user.debug kernel: sda: Mode Sense: 27 00 00 00
Feb 11 17:40:55 (none) user.err kernel: sda: assuming drive cache: write through
Feb 11 17:40:55 (none) user.notice kernel: SCSI device sda: 15625008 512-byte hdwr sectors (8000 MB)
Feb 11 17:40:55 (none) user.notice kernel: sda: Write Protect is off
Feb 11 17:40:55 (none) user.debug kernel: sda: Mode Sense: 27 00 00 00
Feb 11 17:40:55 (none) user.err kernel: sda: assuming drive cache: write through
Feb 11 17:40:55 (none) user.info kernel: sda1 sda2 sda3
Feb 11 17:40:55 (none) user.notice kernel: sd 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi removable disk sda
Feb 11 17:40:55 (none) user.debug kernel: usb-storage: device scan complete

change to the first telnet session and enter:

Code: Alles auswählen

ls -la /dev/sd*
you should see at least the first line of :

brw-rw---- 1 root root 8, 0 Feb 11 17:40 /dev/sda
brw-rw---- 1 root root 8, 1 Feb 11 17:40 /dev/sda1
brw-rw---- 1 root root 8, 2 Feb 11 17:40 /dev/sda2
brw-rw---- 1 root root 8, 3 Feb 11 17:40 /dev/sda3

the device /dev/sda is your disk and sda1-3 the recognized partitions (which you will have to delete)

next we have to load to external kernel modules to be able to use the linux ext2-filesystem:

Code: Alles auswählen

insmod mbcache.ko
insmod ext2.ko
after each command you should get a resonse " using ...ko"
if there are error messages - please change to your second telnet session and copy the appearing error-messages (they can help us to analyze the problem (post it in the forum)

now we have to prepare the disk by creating linux-partitions, enter:

Code: Alles auswählen

./fdisk /dev/sda
this is a interactive tool:
enter 'p' - this will show the already existing partitions - to be on the save side delete all of then be entering 'd' and the number of the partition
when all partitions are delete create one or more new partition by entering 'n'- the number of the new partition the starting cylinder (take the default;-) and the size e.g. +1024M one giga.
so if your are ready - check the partitions with 'p' and write the table to the disk with 'w'.

the next step is to format the partitions by:

Code: Alles auswählen

./mke2fs /dev/sda1
and so on for each partition (this will take some minutes depending on the size of the partition.

check the access to the partitions:

Code: Alles auswählen

mkdir /var/disk1
mount /dev/sda1 /var/disk1  
If there is no error by the last command you find your disk in the directory /var/disk1 try to put s.th. in there to test it.

Till now, most of the work is done - the disk is prepared and accessible - but when we reboot everything (but not the disk ;-) is gone - so we have to install the kernel-modules at bootup.

This can be done by the second tar-file disk_install.tar.gz it´s nearly the same solution like the ftp-daemon (copy the software to /etc/config/asoft and install a startscript in rc.d) so just install it from the HomeMatic UI "Zusatzsoftware".
(the install - routine is written for one disk with one partition - it can bes easily extended - if you are not sure how - just ask.

To install this script let´s reboot by entering

Code: Alles auswählen


After installation - you will find your disk in /var/disk1 - that´s it ...


Software & script to install "Zusatzsoftware"
(34.55 KiB) 189-mal heruntergeladen
Software to check and prepare the device
(200.36 KiB) 232-mal heruntergeladen

Beiträge: 108
Registriert: 23.12.2007, 22:51

Re: homematic-CCU ftp-server

Beitrag von XYZ1234567899 » 14.02.2008, 20:42


Habe das mal probiert mit der externen Disk,geht soweit.
Was mir aufgefallen ist , habe hier ein FHZ 1300 PC hab die mal angesteckt
die wird erkannt,gehe ich von der Annahme mal aus da fehlt eigentlich nur
eine Zusatzsoftware um die anzusprechen ???



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